Search results for lead type

92 articles found

  • How to Connect your Cloud File Storage

    Jobman is a cloud-based software platform, meaning you can back up, view, and upload all of your important files & attach them to leads, jobs, and projects by connecting with your cloud file storage

  • How to Create Quote Statuses

    Quote statuses indicate the current stage a quote has reached in your process. You can create and define quote statuses to suit the needs of your business, and to assist with reporting. In this

  • About Jobman's Email Client

    Jobman software offers a built-in email client, so that you can send emails and attachments and respond to your customers directly from your Jobman app! All staff with the appropriate roles and

  • Payment Terms

    The list of payment terms that can be assigned to contact types, and also used when importing actual contacts into Jobman, are listed below: OFFOLLOWINGMONTH - day(s) after bill month

  • How to Apply a Discount to a Contact

    Provide consistency in your dealings with certain customers by applying a discount to a contact, which will automatically apply to all quotes sent to that contact. In this article: Adding a Discount

  • Switching to QuickBooks Online (for existing organisations only)

    This help article is intended for Jobman organisations that were created before 27th May 2024 or have previously been connected to a different accounting platform. If this does not apply to you,

  • Connecting to QuickBooks Online

    The QuickBooks Online (QBO) integration is currently available for organisations in Australia, New Zealand, United States and Canada. Can't see your country? Let us know which country you want us to

  • How to Create & Edit Templates

    Templates in Jobman are created using a templating language called Liquid. It allows you to insert variables, control structures and loops to control how your templates appear when they are rendered.

  • Staff Time and Attendance - Timesheets

    There are multiple ways for staff to enter their time & attendance. Time can be recorded against projects, leads, or jobs. Simply invite your team to log in (Office Users only), once they're set up,

  • Job Alerts

    Job alerts allow your team to communicate when things go wrong or when an important process needs to be followed. When a job alert is created, all assigned staff members will receive a notification

  • Creating Internal Jobs for Staff Leave and Daily Operations

    Increase the accuracy of your reporting by creating internal jobs for staff leave, and for your staff members to log time against generic tasks such as cleaning or administration. In this article:

  • How to Set Up Staff Pay Rates - Payroll

    If you've connected to your accounting software, you can now set up your staff members' pay rates and awards, so their timesheets can sync to your accounting software. In this article: Understanding

  • Create, Edit and Use Forms

    Forms are digital paperwork that might be a part of your job process. For example, a Site Specific Risk Assessment is a type of form that your workers must fill in for certain jobs. Another example

  • FAQ - Accounting Integrations and Common Issues: Sync Errors, Etc.

    See below for a list of issues that may arise from your accounting software integration, and how to troubleshoot them. Jobman is not an accounting software, nor is it intended to replace your current

  • How to Create and Edit Invoice Templates

    You can create and customise invoice templates, synced to your accounting software to keep track of your customer and bill type invoices. Take control of your invoices' structure, variables, and

  • How to Import and Export Your Catalogue Products

    Use our CSV file template to easily import and export your catalogue products. Using the CSV template will ensure your products are imported in the correct format. Please Note: If you want to

  • How to Create Product Components

    Create product components to easily build and modify your products. In this article: What Are Product Components? How to Create Product Components Restricting Product Components to Style Options What

  • How to Create Catalogue Products

    Once your materials and services are set up in your catalogue, you can create products, which are combinations of parts and labour that allow you to quote more quickly and accurately. In this

  • Progress Charts

    Progress charts are available for both leads and jobs. Use progress charts to: Gain a quick overview of where all your leads/jobs are up to in the process Track unscheduled jobs Identify tasks which

  • How to Import Staff Members using a CSV.file

    Adding staff members can be done in one of three ways: Importing from a spreadsheet, as described below, Syncing with your accounting software, Adding them manually. Please note: You are able to

  • FAQ: Tasks

    Q. Why can't I start a task? Depending on how your workflow is set up, it may be that you cannot start your task because a previous task needs to be completed. To update your workflow settings, go to

  • Manually Adding Materials to a Job

    To add materials to your job, click into the job, then go to Resources > Materials > Create. You can click on items from your catalogue on the top right (shown below), or add new catalogue items by

  • How to Connect to Your Accounting Software

    Why should I integrate with my accounting software? Save time and eliminate duplication by enabling automatic syncing of Contacts, Staff, Invoices, and Timesheets from Jobman to your accounting

  • Displaying Agenda Screens

    Once you've created your agenda screens, you can display them in your warehouses, offices or factories for all your staff to see. To display an agenda screen, follow these steps: From the User Menu

  • Removing Product Labour from Quotes

    For some businesses that offer multiple services, you can easily remove product labour from either the whole quote or individual items. Example: Some businesses may offer supply & install and supply

  • Import a List of Contacts from a Spreadsheet

    Using a CSV.file spreadsheet, you can easily import your contact list. You will need to prepare your csv in the correct format. To help with this, we have a sample CSV available for download. In this

  • Creating and Editing Quote Templates

    Set up different quote templates for different customer types. Once your templates are set up, you can easily and quickly change the appearance and content of your quote before sending, while still

  • Using and Displaying Activity Screens

    Once you've created your activity screens, you can display them in your warehouses, offices or factories. Using and Understanding an Activity Screen View the activity screens that you are a member of

  • Catalogue Item Statuses and Substitutes

    Use catalogue item statuses to define whether your catalogue materials/services are available or not available to order. Use catalogue item substitutes to assist your staff in choosing an appropriate

  • How to Manually Add Materials to Your Catalogue

    There are multiple ways to add materials to your Catalogue. You can import materials from a spreadsheet, or sync materials from your purchase order history (selected suppliers only), or you can add

  • How to Create a Purchase Order

    Create and send purchase orders (POs) to obtain materials needed for your jobs, or to fill out your inventory with standard materials needing to be kept on hand. In this article: Creating a Purchase

  • How to Create and Update Staff Members

    In this article: Creating a New Staff Member Updating a Staff Member Defining Staff Operations Creating a New Staff Member Adding staff members can be done in one of three ways: Importing from a

  • How to Access Your Quote Summary and Quote Summary Report

    When you have created a quote, you can view the Quote Summary to obtain an overview of the operations, materials and services contained in your quote, and a detailed breakdown of costs, overheads,

  • User Customisation Of Columns

    A very powerful feature available for Office Users in Jobman software, is the customisation of columns feature. This allows you as an individual user to activate, hide or customise the data columns

  • How to Create a Work Order from a Job

    A work order is like a job-within-a-job. You may use workorders to break large or complex jobs into smaller, more manageable segments, or you may create a workorder for an unexpected process that

  • Two-Factor Authentication

    In this article: What is Two-Factor Authentication? Making Two-Factor Authentication Compulsory for Your Organisation How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication (Mobile/Tablet) How to Set Up Two-Factor

  • How to Manage and Edit a Job

    In this article: Overview of Jobs Tab Job Dashboard Job Info Job Tasks Job Resources Job Emails Overview of Jobs Tab From the User Menu Panel on the left, click on Jobs to view a list of all your

  • Job Cost Report

    Compare estimated job values to actual job costs using the Job Cost Report. This report breaks down your jobs by profit, labour, materials and more. You can choose to hide individual work orders so

  • Get started with Kiosk Mode

    The Kiosk mode is an easy-to-use interface designed for your factory and install staff to access with their own personalised pin code, to be able to view their tasks, due dates & allow them to log

  • How to Create an Activity Screen

    Create activity screens to see an overview of your staff members' daily activity as they log time against tasks. You can create multiple activity screens and customise them for different teams or

  • Creating Quote Presets with Products

    Once you have created a 'core range' of products, you can create quote presets to quickly add selections of products to your quotes. A preset is like a checklist of potential products you can add,

  • How to Add and Manage Inventory Items (Stock)

    Eliminate the guesswork and countless hours spent on stocktake with Jobman's inventory feature. Track your stock quantities and values in real time as materials come in and out of your warehouses