Payment Terms
Set payment terms to define when payments are due on bills and invoices sent and received by your organisation.
In this article:
Setting Default Payment Terms for Your Organisation
Setting Payment Terms for Contact Types
Setting Payment Terms for a Single Contact
List of Payment Terms
The list of payment terms you can choose from are as follows:
- DAYSAFTERBILLDATE - day(s) after bill date, e.g. payment is due a certain number of days after the bill issue date
- DAYSAFTERBILLMONTH - day(s) after bill month, e.g. payment is due a certain number of days after the end of the bill issue month
- OFCURRENTMONTH - of the current month, e.g. payment is due on a specific date in the current month
- OFFOLLOWINGMONTH - of the following month, e.g. payment is due on a specific date in the following month
Setting Default Payment Terms for Your Organisation
To set default payment terms that will be automatically applied to invoices sent from your organisation, follow these steps:
From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Settings > Accounting > Payment Terms.
- Click Update.
- Enter your payment terms as required, then Save Changes.
Tip: For more information on discounts, click here.
Setting Payment Terms for Contact Types
To set payment terms for all contacts of a specific type, follow these steps:
- From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Settings > Contacts > Types.
Click into the contact type you want, then click Update.
- Enter your payment terms as required, then Save Changes.
Please Note: If any of these fields are left blank, your default payment terms will be applied.
Setting Payment Terms for a Single Contact
To set payment terms for an individual contact, follow these steps:
- From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Contacts.
Click into the contact you want, then go to the Info tab:
- Using the three-dot menu next to Payment Terms, click Update.
Enter your payment terms as required, then Save Changes.
Please Note: If any of these fields are left blank, your default payment terms will be applied.