How to Apply a Discount to a Contact

Provide consistency in your dealings with certain customers by applying a discount to a contact, which will automatically apply to all quotes sent to that contact.

In this article:

Adding a Discount to a Contact Type

Adding a Discount to a Single Contact

Adding a Discount to a Contact Type

To apply discounts to all contacts of a given contact type, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Settings > Contacts > Types.
  2. Click into the contact type you want to apply a discount to.
  3. Under Discount, enter your desired discount percentage.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Please Note: This discount will only apply to new quotes created after this point. You will need to manually update any existing quotes to add the discount, if required.

Adding a Discount to a Single Contact

To apply a discount to a single contact, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Contacts.
  2. Click into the contact you want to apply a discount to.
  3. Click Update or use the 3-dot menu next to Payment Terms (see below).
  4. Under Discount, enter your desired discount percentage.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Please Note: This discount will only apply to new quotes created after this point. You will need to manually update any existing quotes to add the discount, if required.

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