Creating Quote Statuses

Configure your Quote Statuses to easily view the current stage of your quote, define your status settings and report easier by allocating your quote statuses accordingly. To access your quote statuses, go to your 'Settings' from the user menu panel, find & click on 'Quoting' then 'Statuses'.

Creating a Quote Status

Once you've accessed your quote statuses as listed above, to create a new status:

  1. Click 'Create'.
  2. Name your status as required.
  3. Select what your status means by clicking the appropriate checkboxes.
  4. Finalise by clicking 'Create', you will now be taken to your new quote status summary where you can update further or delete.

Congratulations! You've just created a new Quote Status.

Tip: once you have created your quote statuses remember to choose the appropriate one as your default for any quote that is created.

Important: the checkbox for 'can be updated' is vital for any status that you set up for a 'final quote' for example and accepted quote should not be able to be edited. If a quote has a status where this checkbox is blank you will not be able to update the quote until the status is changed to one that can.

Editing a Quote Status

Once you've accessed your quote status from your settings, you can easily update or delete any existing statuses by:

  1. Click on & open the status you wish to update.
  2. Click the 'Update' button which will take you to your edit screen.
  3. Make changes as required, eg: update the name or check/uncheck fields.
  4. Finalise by clicking 'Save Changes'.

Information: to delete a single status, you can do this by following Step 1 above and clicking delete, alternatively delete multiple from the Quote Status list by clicking the checkbox to all statuses you no longer require then delete using the 'With Selected' button next to your search bar.

Quote Status Tips

From your leads tab in the user menu panel, you can view the value of your leads. This is generated from the quote accepted status. If you wish to change the values to a different status like 'Quote Sent' etc these can be updated in your settings as shown below.

Please Note: you can select multiple status values.

Please Note: if you add a the 'has value' to a previous quote status, this will NOT automatically update all of your previous value in the Leads tab. This will only apply to new or update leads moving forward.

Each lead needs to be refreshed before the value will update.

Reporting: dial down on all of your quote statuses by running reports to see all of your sent quotes, rejected quotes etc!

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