Connecting to QuickBooks Online

The QuickBooks Online (QBO) integration is currently available for organisations in Australia, New Zealand, United States and Canada.

Can't see your country? Let us know which country you want us to add support for next.

Supported features

Contacts: Effortlessly maintain updated contacts in Jobman and reduce double handling by syncing with your customer and vendor lists in QBO.

Invoices: Painlessly submit your invoices and bills from Jobman to be reviewed, sent, reconciled and reported in your QuickBooks Online account. Any changes or payments recorded in QBO will by synced back into Jobman automatically.

Staff: Coming soon

Timesheets: Coming soon

Before you connect

Before connecting your QuickBooks Online account to Jobman there are a few things you'll need to set up in order to make the connection process as seamless as possible.

Requirements for syncing contacts

Contact Types

When syncing contacts from Jobman to QuickBooks Online, the contact's type will be used to determine if it should be created as a Customer or Vendor in QBO.

Before syncing, check your Contact Types to make sure any Vendor contact types have the "Is Supplier" flag set correctly.

You can manage your contact types in Jobman by going to Settings > Contacts > Types. (See create or update a contact type)

Additionally, in your integration settings you can select the default contact types that will be applied to Customers and Vendors when contacts are imported from QuickBooks Online to Jobman.

Requirements for syncing invoices

In order for Jobman to sync invoices in QBO, you will need to have contact syncing enabled and successfully completed at least one contact sync. See requirements for syncing contacts.

Invoice Types

Tax Types

In order to sync invoices, your Jobman tax types will need to be set up to accurately reflect the tax codes/tax rates you have set up in QuickBooks Online.

To view your tax rates in QuickBooks Online, navigate to your Sales Tax Rates. (This will vary based on your country, for example in Australia this is under GST > Edit GST > Edit Rates, and in Canada it's under Sales Tax > Manage Sales Tax.)

Once you have access to your list of tax rates in QBO, in Jobman navigate to Settings > Accounting > Tax Types.

Go through each tax rate in QBO and make sure that you have a tax type in Jobman that matches, and ensure the rate percentage is correct.

Note: The "code" field of the tax type in Jobman needs to exactly match the name of the QBO tax rate for them to link.

If there are no matching tax types, either create a new tax type or edit an existing tax type and make sure the code field matches.

Invoice Item Types

Invoice item types in Jobman are used to determine the Product/Service of each invoice line item in QuickBooks Online.

When an invoice is published to QBO, any line items that do not have an invoice item type set in Jobman will have a default product/service applied in QBO, which will also determine the account that the transaction will be applied to.

When an invoice is updated in QBO and the changes are synced back into Jobman, the line items will be updated to reflect the correct products/services and accounts. If there is no invoice item type in Jobman matching the product/service, it will be created for you.

Note: If the product/service does not have an SKU set in QBO, it will not be able to be created in Jobman.

If you plan on using Products & Services in Jobman, you will need to make sure your invoice item types are set up to accurately reflect the products & services in QBO.

To view your Products & Services in QBO, navigate to Sales > Products & Services.

Once you have access to your Products & Services in QBO, go through each item you plan to use and make sure that it has an SKU set in QBO, if not, edit that item to set the SKU.

Once your SKU's are set, in Jobman navigate to Settings > Accounting > Invoice Item Types.

Check each product/service and ensure you have an invoice item type in Jobman that matches.

Note: The "code" field of the invoice item type in Jobman needs to exactly match the SKU of the product/service in QBO for them to link.


For invoice items, accounts are set in QuickBooks Online automatically from the selected product/service. For Bill items, if a product/service is not selected, the account will be set from Jobman.

Before syncing invoices/bills, we suggest making sure your Jobman accounts accurately reflect your commonly-used accounts in QBO.

To view your accounts in QBO, navigate to Transactions > Chart of accounts.

Once you have access to your accounts in QBO, in Jobman navigate to Settings > Accounting > Accounts.

Go through each account you plan to use in QBO and ensure you have an account in Jobman that matches.

Note: The "code" field of the account in Jobman needs to exactly match the Name of the QBO account in order for them to link.

Integration Settings

In Jobman, navigate to Settings > Accounting > Integration and click the "Update" button.

  • Driver

    Ensure you select "QuickBooks Online"

  • Customer Contact Type

    Select the Jobman contact type you want to be applied to Customers that are imported from QBO (See requirements for syncing contacts)

  • Supplier Contact Type

    Select the Jobman contact type you want to be applied to Vendors that are imported from QBO

    (See requirements for syncing contacts)

  • Automatic Sync

    Select the records you want Jobman to sync with QBO. You will need to deselect Staff and Timesheets as these features are currently unsupported

  • Error Notifications sent to

    Select a Jobman staff member that should receive email notifications when there are issues syncing with QBO. We suggest selecting a staff member that has admin permissions in Jobman and access to your QuickBooks Online account so they can resolve issues when necessary.

Connect to QuickBooks Online

Please note: it's advised to have the person with the highest level of permission in your QuickBooks Online account to complete this connection.

Once you have finished setting everything up and are ready to start syncing with QuickBooks Online, head over to your integration settings in Jobman at Settings > Accounting > Integration.

Double check your settings, then click "Connect to QuickBooks Online"

You will now be redirected to QBO, and prompted to log in and select the company that you want to sync with.

Once you have selected your QBO company, click next and review the connection information, then click "Connect".

You should be redirected back to Jobman. Check that the correct company is selected then click "Connect to Jobman".

If everything worked correctly, you will see a check mark next to "connected"

That's it! You've now successfully connected to QuickBooks Online and your records have started syncing.

To check the progress of your syncs, you can navigate to Contacts or Invoices, and click on the "Sync" button to view the status of your syncs and identify any errors/issues that need fixing.


Q: What versions of QuickBooks Online are supported?

A: The integration supports all current versions of QuickBooks Online as of May 2024: Simple Start, Essentials, Plus and Advanced

Q: My invoice has been created and saved in Jobman, why hasn't it been created in QuickBooks Online yet?

In order for Jobman to sync an invoice with QBO, it needs to have been given a status with the flag "submitted". If your invoice is still a draft status or was updated to a later status such as sent or paid, the invoice will not be submitted to QBO.

Once you have created your invoice, clicking the "Submit" button on the invoice will trigger it to sync with QBO.

Q: How do I approve invoices in QuickBooks Online?

A: Invoice approval is only available in QuickBooks Online Advanced subscriptions and can be achieved by setting up an Invoice Approval Workflow.

Q: I have deleted a contact in Jobman but it is still showing in QuickBooks Online?

A: Jobman does not delete any records in QuickBooks Online. When you delete a contact in Jobman, it will be archived and will remain connected with QBO, however no changes will by synced unless the contact is restored.

If you want the customer/vendor to be deleted in QuickBooks Online, this will need to be done from the QBO dashboard.

Before deleting a customer/vendor in QBO we strongly suggest that you unlink them from QBO by clicking the traffic light menu in the contact and selecting "Unlink from QuickBooks Online".

Q: I can't see my automatic sync history?

A: Unless a sync was initiated by you directly (eg. going to Contacts > Sync > Create), only the staff member that was set in the accounting integration settings will be able to see automatic sync history.

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