Edit & Receive Purchase Orders

Now you've learnt how to create a purchase order & send a purchase order, lets learn how to manage your purchase orders. This includes splitting your purchase orders, partially or fully receiving orders, invoicing and more. Access your purchase orders by using the tab from your user menu panel.

Edit a Purchase Order

To amend a purchase order simply

  1. Click on the Purchase Orders tab from your user menu panel.
  2. Locate the Purchase Order you want to edit.
  3. Click on the Update or Continue Editing button.

From here you can edit or add the date created, delivery date, reference, supplier, location, items etc. Simply click into the field you want to update and make your changes.

  1. To add new items to the purchase order you will need to click the 'Add New' button.
  2. Choose the appropriate item from the dropdown, ie: material or service.
  3. You'll be redirected to a 'Create Material or Service' screen, choose the material or service you want to add.
  4. If you need to delete a line, click the checkbox from the edit PO screen and choose 'delete' from the 'With Selected' dropdown.
  5. Once you've made your required changes, click 'Save Changes'.

You'll be taken back to the summary screen for your purchase order, if required send your revised PO.

Automation: if you've allocated a job to your purchase order, you will be able to see this under the resources tab inside your job.

Once you've edited your purchase order, if you've sent it via email this will automatically update to sent, however if you have printed via PDF or CSV you'll need to update the status - see below.

Receiving a Purchase Order

Congratulations, you've created and sent a purchase order - now it's time to receive it in. You can either fully receive or partially receive an order by using this method below. If you would like to split a purchase order, please continue down to 'Splitting a Purchase Order'.

  1. Access the Purchase Orders tab from your user menu panel.
  2. Click into the purchase order you would like to receive.
  3. Click on the 'Receive' button. If you cannot see the receive button, you need to make sure that the status of the purchase order is set to one that allows you to receive items.
  4. For Fully Received: check that your quantity received vs quantity ordered matches.
  5. Finalise by clicking 'Receive'.
  6. For Partially Received: double click into the quantity column to enter what actually arrived.
  7. Finalise by clicking 'Receive'.

Automation: once you've completed all of the steps above, your purchase order status will automatically update to partial or fully received.

Please note: you cannot receive a purchase order from just changing the status.

Splitting a Purchase Order

You may use this process if goods are going to be received in different months or if you have a large purchase order that you want to split across and allocate to multiple jobs.

  1. Access the Purchase Orders tab from your user menu panel.
  2. Click into the purchase order you would like to partially receive/split.
  3. Click 'Split'.
  4. Double click in the Quantity field to enter the amount you want to add to the split PO.
  5. Finalise by clicking 'Split'.

You'll now be taken to the new partial purchase order which will auto generate a new PO number, this is the same number as the originating PO followed by a number which corresponds to the number of 'splits'.

For example: if you split PO-0001, you will have PO-0001 and PO0001.1.

Understanding your Purchase Orders tab

From the main screen under your purchase orders tab you will get an overview of all of your purchase orders, here you can create a new purchase order or view any pending ones.

You can customise this at anytime by clicking on the arrow next to one of your column headers and selecting the columns you want to display.

Easily find a purchase order by using the search bar or filter down the left hand side of your screen.

Click in to a purchase order to edit or send. If you see the pencil logo next to a PO, this mean it is currently being edited.

Invoicing from a Purchase Order

Once you've received your goods, easily invoice your goods from inside the purchase order.

  1. Access the Purchase Orders tab from your user menu panel.
  2. Click into the purchase order you would like to invoice.
  3. Click the 'Invoice' button.
  4. A pop-up will appear to confirm, click 'Create'.
  5. You'll now be redirected to your invoice which will sit in the 'Draft' status.
  6. Click 'Submit' and a pop-up will appear for you to confirm you want to submit & sync to your accounting software.
  7. Depending on your access level, you will then be able to approve the invoice for payment by clicking the 'Approve' button. A pop-up will appear for you to confirm and this will now be updated to 'Awaiting Payment'.

Updating a Purchase Order Status

If you've sent or uploaded your PO from a csv or if you've printed a PDF you will need to update your purchase order status. Simply click on the current status as shown below where you will be taken to choose your new status. To learn more about statuses see Invoice Types & Statuses.

To learn more about this topic, please watch the tutorial on this below:

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