Catalogue Settings: Categories, Pricing, Etc.

Go to Settings > Catalogue to configure your preferred catalogue settings prior to adding or importing catalogue items.

In this article:

Catalogue Settings


How to Apply Categories to Materials/Services in Bulk

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Catalogue Settings

The image below lists Jobman's Catalogue settings and their functions. To update any of these setting types, click into it, then click Create to add a new setting (e.g. a new brand or new category) or click into an existing setting to update it.

Tip: Under Pricing (see above), you can set the cost for labour and add the overheads, wastage and profit margin for Materials, Services, Appliances and Sundries.

Read More: How to Create Styles and Range Options


In Settings > Catalogue > Categories, you can create categories to easily manage your materials and services in your catalogue.

Any materials linked to a given category can be mass-updated, rather than having to update every single material individually.

Creating a New Category

  1. Go to Settings > Catalogue > Categories and click Create:

  2. Name your category.
  3. If applicable, tick the box for Handle in whole quantities. Enable this setting for material categories where you buy and sell items at a square metre rate but you pick and handle them at a sheet rate, for example, particle board, sheet metal, etc.
  4. Select an Invoice item type, if applicable.
  5. You can choose to override your default material pricing for this category by entering values into the Overhead, Wastage, and Profit Margin fields. Leave these blank (i.e. do not enter "0%") if you want to use your default pricing for this category.
  6. Save Changes.

Updating a Category

To update all materials in a given category, go to Settings > Catalogue > Categories and click into the category you wish to update.

Make any updates needed to the information fields, then Save Changes.

How to Apply Categories to Materials/Services in Bulk

You can change which category a material or service in your catalogue belongs to. This is useful if you have mass-imported a number of items and they have defaulted to an "Import" category.

To update the category of your materials/services, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Catalogue.
  2. Select one or more materials/services.
  3. Click With Selected > Change Category.
  4. Select a category from the drop-down, or type in your chosen category.

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How to Manually Add Materials to Your Catalogue

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