How to Import and Export Products in your Catalogue

Easily import your products or assembly list into Jobman.

To access the Import/Export function, go to the Catalogue tab in your user menu panel, click on Products and follow the steps below:

Download the Sample CSV

By accessing the products tab as above, click on the import button, then create. You will be taken to the below screen where you can click download.

Pro Tip: by using the download you'll ensure your products are imported in the right format.

Completing the CSV

Once you've downloaded the sample csv as listed above, you need to fill out the data.

  1. Either copy+paste or manually enter your product names, types, SKU's & parametrics.
  2. If you haven't built operations in Jobman already, save this csv and move to 'Import your CSV'.
  3. If you have built operations, you can quickly fill the columns with the relevant times.
  4. Save your CSV and continue down to Import!

Please Note: do not fill out the ID column, this will auto generate upon import.

Importing your CSV

Now you've filled out your sample csv, it's time to upload this, complete by following the steps below:

  1. Click upload or drop & drag your CSV.
  2. Tick the box to add any new products.
  3. Click 'Create' to start your import.

You'll be taken to a new screen showing either a successful upload or any data errors.

Next Steps

Now you've uploaded your product list, create your components or parts to quickly populate the rest of the data inside your products.

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