How to Send a Purchase Order

Use Jobman to prepare and send purchase orders to your suppliers. POs can be sent directly as emails, or converted to PDF or CSV files to send as attachments.

In this article:

How to Create a Purchase Order (external article)

Sending a Purchase Order as an Email

Converting a Purchase Order to PDF or CSV File

How to Create a Purchase Order (external article)

To learn how to create purchase orders, click here.

Sending a Purchase Order as an Email

To send a purchase order as an email, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Purchase Orders.
  2. Click into the purchase order you want to send. (Note: you must choose a purchase order which is in the Created status.)
  3. Click Email:

  4. Make any desired changes to the email:

  5. Click Preview > Send.

    Automation: When you email a PO, its status will automatically update to Ordered.

Converting a Purchase Order to PDF or CSV File

To convert a purchase order to PDF or CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Purchase Orders.
  2. Click into the purchase order you want to convert.
  3. Click either PDF or CSV:

  4. You can then download the new file and send as an attachment when you email your supplier.
  5. Make sure to update your purchase order status by clicking on the status, then choosing Ordered from the drop-down:

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