How to Create Purchase Order Statuses

Create and edit purchase order statuses to keep track of where your purchase orders are up to in your organisation's process.

In this article:

Creating a Purchase Order Status

Editing a Purchase Order Status

Note: To learn how to change an individual purchase order from one status to another, read How to Manage, Edit, and Receive Purchase Orders.

Creating a Purchase Order Status

To create a new purchase order status, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Settings > Inventory > Purchase Order Statuses.
  2. Click Create.

  3. Name your status, and tick any of the checkboxes that apply to this status:

  4. Click Create again.

Editing a Purchase Order Status

To edit an existing purchase order status, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Settings > Inventory > Purchase Order Statuses.

  2. Click into the purchase order status you want to edit, then click Update.
  3. Rename the status and/or tick and untick any of the checkboxes.
  4. Click Save Changes.

You can also click Set as Default if you would like this to be the status that purchase orders are automatically given once you create them. Note: You can only have one purchase order status set as default.

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