Job Alerts

Job Alerts are the ability for the team to communicate either when things go wrong or an important process needs to be followed. Once a job alert has been created, all assigned staff members will receive a notification linking to the Job Alert.

Below you will find 1: Creating Job Alerts - Office Users, 2: Creating Job Alerts - Factory Workers - Kiosk, 3: Setup of Job Alert Statuses and 4: Setup of Job Alert Types.

For example: damaged part - an alert can be triggered by the team to let management know a small work order will need to be created so this can be rectified.

Pro Tip: you will need to be connected to cloud file storage in order for the team to upload, view and share files and photos related to Job Alerts.

Roles & Permissions: if you are unable to view or add job alerts, please check your staff role's and permissions under both Job Alerts and Kiosk.

Creating a Job Alert - Office Users

  1. Access the 'Job Alerts' tab from the user menu panel.
  2. Click 'Create'.
  3. Time, Date, Reported By and Status will automatically generate.
  4. Choose the Alert Type from the dropdown.
  5. Assign to a job number - if relevant.
  6. Assign to extra management members if necessary.
  7. Upload any relevant files or photos for the job alert.

Creating a Job Alert - Factory Workers | Kiosk Mode

There are 2 ways to raise an alert from the Kiosk Mode. You can do this by clicking into the job or you can do this by clicking into the task. Screenshots below.

  1. From the Kiosk Dashboard click into 'Jobs'.
  2. Click into the job you want to raise an alert for.
  3. Click the 'Job Alerts' button.
  4. Click 'Create'.
  5. Choose the Alert Type.
  6. Update the notes field with any information if required.
  7. Upload files if required.
  8. Finalise by clicking 'Create'

Kiosk Mode - From the Jobs Tab
Kiosk Mode - From inside the Task

Setup - Job Alert Statuses

Define statuses to keep track of the status of your job alerts.

Example: Reported (default), Assigned, Actioned & Completed.
  1. Click into your Settings from the user menu panel, then click into Jobs.
  2. Click into Job Alert Statuses to view or create new statuses.

Create a New Status:

  1. Click create and and name your status.
  2. Finalise by clicking 'Create'.

Updating or Setting a Default

Once you've created a status, simply click into it to either edit or set as default.

Setup - Job Alert Types

These are the templates for job alerts automation.

Create a New Type:

  1. Click create & name your alert type.
  2. Choose responsible staff from the dropdown.
  3. Fill out template information.
  4. Choose relevant job types from dropdown.
  5. Finalise by clicking 'Create'.

Example: Damaged Part.

Examples for Alert Types: Damaged Stock, Drafted Incorrectly, Installer Damage, Job Incomplete, Machine Maintenance, Material Defect, Operator Error, Site Damage, Incident/Accident Report or Near Miss.

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