Create, Edit and Use Forms

Forms are digital paperwork that might be a part of your job process. For example, a Site Specific Risk Assessment is a type of form that your workers must fill in for certain jobs. Another example would be a marketing form or a feedback form.

With our inbuilt forms feature, you can create and customise your own forms, attach them to your jobs, and have your users fill in forms, download as PDFs, upload images, and send to relevant staff members - all from your Jobman software. Save on time, paper, and potential mistakes!

In this article:

How to Create a Form

Adding Groups and Questions to a Form

Adding Forms to Jobs and Completing Them

Exporting to PDF

Using Forms in the Kiosk

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Create a Form

  1. Go to Settings > Forms > Create.

  1. Name your form, e.g. "Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA)".
  2. Write an introduction field for your form, if applicable. This could include instructions for how to complete the form and what to do with it afterwards.

You can include template variables (as seen on the right in the above screenshot) by copying and pasting. This will pull data into your form introduction from elsewhere in your Jobman software, e.g. the name of your organisation.

  1. (Optional) Select a form template to apply to your form. More information on this below.
  2. Choose which job types your form will be automatically applied to. Choose All, Selected, or None from the dropdown, and if you chose Selected, choose one or more job types from the list.

Note: If you choose None or Selected, you can still manually apply your form to any job.

  1. Tick the boxes if you would like your form to be visible and/or available to complete in Kiosk mode.
  2. Hit Create.

You will then have to populate your created form with questions as a separate process, explained below.

Once created, you can update your form at any time by going to Settings > Forms and selecting the form you want, then clicking the three-dot menu at the top left, then Update.

NOTE: When you create a new form and assign it to one or more job types, this form will not be added automatically to existing jobs of that type(s) - only to new jobs that you create. You can still add the form manually to existing jobs.

Adding Groups and Questions to a Form

Once your form has been created, you can add groups and questions to it by choosing the form you want from Settings > Forms.

Groups are used to categorise sets of questions, and can be repeatable.

Questions is where you set up the question required and the answer types (e.g. text, checkbox, image upload, etc.)

You will need to create at least one group before you can create any questions.

To create a Group:

  1. Click Add New > Group.
  2. Name your group.
  3. If applicable, tick Required to be completed and/or Can be repeated.
  4. Click Create.

Once your group is created, you can Add a question, Delete the group (and the questions in it), or change the group order if you have multiple groups.

To create a Question:

  1. Click Add New > Question.
  2. Name your question. This is the label that will appear next to the input field for this question.
  3. Choose your question type from the dropdown.

  1. If you select your question type as Dropdown, you will need to provide the options, e.g. "Yes", "No", "Other".
  2. Assign your question to a group.
  3. If applicable, tick Required to be completed and/or Can be repeated.
  4. Click Create.

Here's an example of a group that has been set up with questions:

Adding Forms to Jobs and Completing Them

When a job is created in Jobman, it will automatically add all forms for the selected job type(s). See above.

You can also add a form to a job manually by clicking Jobs > [Job #] > Resources > Forms > Create.

Select the form you want from the dropdown and hit Create again.

Note: You can add more than one of the same form to a job. If you want to differentiate between these, you can select a form in the Resources > Forms tab, then click the three-dot menu and select Edit to rename that form, e.g. "Site Specific Risk Assessment #2".

Once a form has been added to a job, you can complete that form by clicking Resources > Forms > [Form Name] > Update.

Fill in the questions as prompted, upload images and files if applicable, then click Save Changes.

Note: If all required questions/groups have been filled in, Jobman will mark this form as completed automatically when the changes are saved. Jobman will also record the date of completion and who completed it.

Otherwise, you can save changes without filling in all required questions/groups, but the form won't be marked as completed.

Exporting to PDF

You can export a form (empty or completed) to PDF, for example to print or email to a third party.

To do this, click Jobs > [Job #] > Resources > Forms > [Form Name] > PDF.

The exported PDF will use the form template that was selected when you created the form.

You can create custom form templates using Settings > Templates > Forms.

Read more:

Using Forms in the Kiosk

If you have set up your form to be viewed and/or completed in the Kiosk, your Kiosk users can access the form by navigating to a job.

From the Kiosk dashboard, select Jobs > [Job #] > Forms.

The process for completing the form is the same as above.

Note: You cannot add forms to a job from the Kiosk. (As a process, have your Kiosk users send a job alert to request that a form be added to a job.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What do each of the question types mean?

Text: Allows you to type in a few words or a short sentence.

Paragraph Text: Allows you to type several sentences of text.

Email Address: Enter an email address.

URL: Enter a web browser link, handy for a question regarding appliance types/models.

Number: Enter a numerical value.

Drop-down: Provide several options to select from, using a drop-down menu tab to display all options.

Checkbox: A filter/tick box.

Images: Upload images. Images must be JPEG or PNG files.

Files: Upload files.

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