Manually Adding Materials to a Job

To add materials to your job, click into the job, then go to Resources > Materials > Create. You can click on items from your catalogue on the top right (shown below), or add new catalogue items by filling in the fields on the left. You can start to type a material name into the Name field on the left, and your catalogue on the right will narrow down to show the materials that match what you're typing in:


Once you've added all your materials to the job, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Resources > Materials.
  2. Click Source.


  3. Select a location. This will determine where inventory items are sourced from, and where purchased items are ordered to.
  4. Enter dates for Order After and/or Required By.
  5. Click Source.


You will be taken back to the Materials List, and in the Source column you will see which items are to be sourced from your Inventory, and which items need to be purchased.


  1. Next, from the User Menu Panel on the left, navigate to Purchase Orders and click Pending Items.
  2. Choose your job from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Create.

You will be taken to a summary of your PO, which you can now send to the supplier.

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