How to Set Up Staff Pay Rates for Payroll Reports and Timesheet Syncing (Xero)

Set up staff pay rates so that you can run the Payroll Report and sync your staff timesheets with Xero.

In this article:

Step 1: Set Up Pay Items

Step 2: Set Up Awards

Optional Step: Set Up Types

Step 3: Set Up Pay Rates

Run Payroll Report

Sync Timesheets with Xero

Step 1: Set Up Pay Items

Pay items are multipliers which are applied to the hours a staff member has worked. Examples: "Ordinary Time", "Overtime" and "Double Time".

To create a new pay item, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Staff > Pay Rates > Items:

  2. Click Create:

  3. Enter the Name, Code, and Multiplier:


  • Your Name and Code will very likely be the same.
  • The Code is the name of the item in Xero, and you must enter it into Jobman exactly as it appears in Xero.
  • The Name is what you call this item in Jobman, and can be modified.
  • The Multiplier will be "1" unless the item represents overtime or double time pay rates.

Pay items differ across businesses. Some organisations will simply have "Wages", "Overtime", and "Double Time" as their pay items. Others might have "Production - Casual" and "Production - Salary". Make sure to check what your pay items are called in Xero, then set yours up in Jobman to match.

  1. Click Create again.

Once created, you can click into a pay item at any time to edit it.

Step 2: Set Up Awards

Awards represent the working hours that your staff are expected to keep, and define how many hours of ordinary time, overtime, and double time a staff member may log. You will most likely have different awards for different groups of staff members.

Note: Although your pay items may not be named "Ordinary Time", "Overtime" or "Double Time", it is the multipliers represented by your pay items (1x, 1.5x, 2x) which are important to keep in mind when setting your awards.

Once you have set up your pay items, you can now create awards by following these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Staff > Pay Rates > Awards:

  2. Click Create:

  3. Enter the Name and Code:


  • The Name is what you call this award in Jobman, and can be modified.
  • The Code does not matter if you are using Xero; you can make this the same as the Name, or simply put a dash. (You cannot leave this field blank.)
  1. Click Create again.
  2. You will be redirected to a summary page for this award (see below). Click Add Item:

  3. Select a pay item from the drop-down that is applicable to this award.

    Note: Awards will typically need to have more than one pay item added to them.

  4. Click Add Item again:

  5. Once you have added all your pay items, click on any of the Hours cells to update the number. Type in the correct value (for some cells this will be 0), then click out of the cell to save.

    The numbers in the cells define the number of hours that a staff member under this award may log in their timesheet for a given pay item.

Note: The total number of hours for each column (day) should add up to 24.

Once created, you can click into an award at any time to edit it.

Optional Step: Set Up Types

Types are the kinds of pay you have. In Xero, you can find these under Pay Items in the Rate column:

Please Note: The main type you will need to use in Jobman is "Rate per Unit", or "Hourly Rate". This will be set up in Jobman already, and will not affect your timesheet syncing. It is optional to create or configure any new pay types. However, you must have at least one type available to select when creating a pay rate (Step 3).

To set up your types, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Staff > Pay Rates > Types:

  2. Jobman will already have two types set up, which you can either use as-is, or click on to edit their details. However, if you need to create a new type, click Create:

  3. Enter the Name and Code:


  • The Name is what you call this type in Jobman, and can be modified.
  • The Code does not matter if you are using Xero; you can make this the same as the Name, or simply put a dash. (You cannot leave this field blank.)

Step 3: Set Up Pay Rates

Once you have set up your pay items, awards, and types, you can create pay rates by following these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Staff > Pay Rates > Create:

  2. Enter the Name, Code, Type and Award:


  • The Name is what you call this award in Jobman, and can be modified.
  • The Code does not matter if you are using Xero; you can make this the same as the Name, or simply put a dash. (You cannot leave this field blank.)
  • The Type will generally be Rate per Unit (or the equivalent in your software).
  • The Award will determine the hours and pay items that employees with this pay rate may log in their timesheets.

Once created, you can click into a pay rate at any time to edit it.

Important: You MUST allocate pay rates to each of your staff members if you want to take advantage of the Payroll Report or timesheet syncing! To do this, update a staff member from the Staff tab. (You must have the necessary permissions to do so.)

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Run Payroll Report

The Payroll Report will give you a list of your staff members and the hours they have logged in a given period.

To run the Payroll Report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Reports > Payroll:

  2. Click Filters to search for specific dates and/or staff. Click Export to download as a CSV file, or Print to download as a PDF.

Sync Timesheets with Xero

Note: This feature is currently only available in Australia.

If you are in Australia and connected to Xero, your timesheets will sync from Jobman automatically, as long as you have selected this option in your Integration Settings:

If you have not previously selected timesheet syncing and want to enable it now, you will have to disconnect your accounting software. See "Updating Your Accounting Software Settings" in How to Connect to Your Accounting Software.

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