How to Add a Staff Member

Adding staff members can be done by either importing your staff list from a spreadsheet, syncing from your accounting software or adding them manually. Depending on the amount of staff members you have, it may be beneficial to see Importing Staff.

Please note: you cannot add or edit staff without assigning a Staff Type. A staff type means you are assigning either an Office or a Kiosk licence to a user. Once you have reached your limit, you will not be able to add anymore without purchasing additional licences.

Creating a New Staff Member

  1. Access your staff by clicking into the Staff tab from your user menu panel.
  2. Click 'Create'.
  3. Fill out the employee details as required.
  4. Once you've entered an email address a checkbox option will appear invite them to log in.
  5. Finalise by clicking 'Create'.

Congratulations! You've added a new staff member, once you've followed the above steps you will be taken to the Staff Member Summary where you can edit further if required.

If you miss selecting the checkbox please follow: Invite a Staff Member to Log In.

This is for office users, for factory users see: Factory Users

Important: ensure you set your staff member up with the correct roles so they are allocated with the correct permissions to use their account. See: Roles & Permissions

Further Define Staff Operations

Staff members also contribute to the organisation’s operations based on their job titles and roles, you can either leave the operations dropdown as 'All' allowing them to be able to perform any operation. Alternatively you can click 'Selected' which will generate a new dropdown where you can select the staff's operations.

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