Account Settings for Invoicing

Account Settings allows you to link & manage your accounting software, create & manage invoice types, statuses, payment terms & tax types.

Accessing Account Settings

To access your account settings, click on 'Settings' on the left hand side of your Jobman on the user menu. Under settings, find and click on 'Accounting'.

It is recommended to set these up in the below order.

    1. Integration
    2. Account Types
    3. Tax Types
    4. Accounts
    5. Invoice Types
    6. Invoice Statuses
    7. Payment Terms
    8. Invoice Item Types

These settings can be updated at anytime so don't be concerned if you need to make changes.

What Do These Account Settings Mean?


Where you can add and manage the chart of accounts that both customer and bill invoices can be assigned to.

Account Types

This will allow your organisation to manage types of invoice accounts that will be needed for Jobman invoices.


Where you can link up to your accounting software, and control the sync settings. To learn more on how to connect accounting software, click here: Accounting Integration Set Up

Invoice Item Types

Manage the types of items that can be added to invoices. Here you can assign your accounting codes, account and tax type.

Invoice Statuses

Where you can define for keeping track of the state of invoices. To learn more on how to manage these in Jobman, click here: Invoice Types and Statuses

Invoice Types

Manage the types of invoices that your organisation can create. To learn more on how to manage these in Jobman, click here: Invoice Types and Statuses

Payment Terms

Set the default payment terms for your customer invoices and purchase order invoices. To learn more on how to manage these in Jobman, click here: Payment Terms

Tax Types

Set and manage the types of tax that will need to be applied to customer and bill type invoices.

Set up Account Types

Set up your Account Types that are required for you to apply to the below Accounts. You have the option to either edit/update the existing Account Types, by simply clicking on the name, or if you require to add more, click on + Create.

  1. Add the name of your account type, for example: bank account, expense account etc.
  2. Add the code that matches identically to your accounting software.
  3. Save your changes.

Tax Types

Depending on which Country/Region your organisation is located, you will require to add, or update the Tax Types that are going be assigned onto invoice line items.

Under the Accounting Settings, click on Tax Types, then you can edit the existing Tax Types, or click on + Create to add in some more.

Please Note: you must ensure that the name, code and rate match identically to your accounting software.

Note: when adding items to invoices you can set/update the tax type for each invoice line.

Set Up of Accounts

For setting up your required chart of accounts under the Account Settings, you can click on + Create to create a new account, or click on an existing account name, select update, edit as required & save your changes.

  1. Enter the name as listed in your accounting software.
  2. Enter the code as listed in your accounting software.
  3. Choose the Account Type.
  4. Choose the Tax Type.
  5. Tick or Untick the Rounding option, please see below recommendation.
  • Save your changes.

Choose your default by clicking 'Set as Default', this will become the default account applied to all customer or bill type invoices. This can be changed at anytime.

Please Note: it is important to apply the identical name and numeric code from your accounting software, then map to the necessary Account Type, and lastly apply the necessary Tax Type for this account.

Rounding: under Tax Type, you have the option to tick 'an adjustment entry to allow for rounding'. Jobman and your Accounting Software will handle rounding on invoices slightly different to each other. Having this option ticked will allow your accounting software to override and apply the required adjustment for rounding.

Tax Types

Depending on which Country/Region your organisation is located, you will require to add, or update the Tax Types that are going be assigned onto invoice line items. Under the Accounting Settings, click on Tax Types, then you can edit the existing Tax Types name, or click on + Create to add in some more. 

  1. Enter the name matching your accounting software.
  2. Enter the code matching your accounting software.
  3. Enter your rate in as a percentage.

For updating the tax type, you will require to match the name, code and the rate as per the same as your Accounting Software.

Need Further Assistance?

Check out our video on Accounting Settings below:

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