Here you can find some answers to frequently asked questions. If this doesn't help, try searching our help documentation. If you can't find what you're looking for or think you've encountered a bug, please click Contact to send a support ticket.

Q: Do I get the full software during the free trial? When will I be charged?

A: Yes! You have full access to the software during the free trial. You will not be charged until your 14-day free trial expires. You will then be charged monthly for your subscription.

Q: I want to upgrade or downgrade my subscription. How will this be charged?

A: Subscription updates are effective as soon as they are actioned by our support team. If you are part-way through the month and remove items from your subscription, the remaining time on those items will be automatically calculated and added as a credit against your next invoice. If you are adding items to your subscription part-way through the month, a partial payment will be charged immediately.

Q: What is a lead?

A: A lead represents a person or company that will potentially award your business a job, depending on whether they accept your quote. A lead covers all the steps in the sales process before the job is created. Read More

Q: What is a workflow?

A: A workflow is a way of managing repeatable tasks that occur in a set order to meet a required outcome. You will have different workflows for leads, jobs, and projects. Tasks in a workflow are grouped into steps and linked to different operations and statuses.

Q: Why isn't my target calendar showing my jobs and tasks?

A: You must set start/target dates for your leads, jobs, and projects for their tasks to be visible in the target calendar.

Q: Can I restrict certain staff from viewing/updating different parts of the software?

A: Yes. See Staff Roles and Permissions for more information.

Q: What is the difference between a status, an operation, and a task?

A: A status indicates the current state of your lead, quote, invoice, job, purchase order, etc. When a status is updated (manually or automatically), this will automatically trigger the next step of the process. For example: Quote Sent becomes Quote Accepted.

An operation is for reporting purposes. This is the link between tasks, labour centres, capacity, and quoted operation. Operations can have multiple tasks linked to them; however, for the purposes of reporting, Jobman will accumulate the information.

For example: installation is an operation. You would put installation on the quote, and you will also use "installation" as the name of the relevant labour centre. However, you may have three different tasks linked to installation, e.g. such as "Installation Site Check", "Install," and "Installation Checklist". Each of these tasks is a separate part of your workflow. However, when your staff record time against any of these tasks, all the recorded time will be allocated to the installation operation, and this is what your reports will measure. Some operations may only have one task linked to them, e.g. assemble.

Q: My progress bar inside my dashboard is red, but I don't have any overdue tasks?

A: Jobman will highlight tasks in red if they are overdue (only if you have set start/target dates), and/or if the task has gone over its estimated time for completion. Read More: Tasks Explained.

Q: Why won't my files upload to Jobman?

A: Check that you have connected to your cloud file storage provider. (Go to Settings > Cloud File Storage). Also check you have the required storage space and have not reached the space limit with your cloud file storage provider.

Q: I'm having trouble with my Xero/MYOB/QBO Integration.

A: See How to Connect to Your Accounting Software and FAQ - Accounting Integrations and Common Issues, Sync Errors, Etc.

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?

A: See Cancel or Renew My Subscription.

Q: Will I get a refund for time not used?

A: No, like any subscription service, your subscription will cancel at the end of your billing cycle. You will have access to your site and its data up until this date. Refunds are not provided for part-month use.

Q: I am part of several organisations that use Jobman. Can I access these at the same time?

A: If you are an Office User, you can have multiple browser windows open, each logged into a different organisation in Jobman. Kiosk mode is designed to open only one organisation per browser, so you will need to be logged in on two more more separate browsers (e.g. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge).

Q: How do I remove capacity on public holidays or shutdown periods?

A: See Public Holidays.

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