How to Create a Lead

Once you've read What is a Lead?, follow these steps to create a lead.

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Leads and click Create.

  1. Enter the contact, contact person, and lead type. You can use the drop-downs to select existing options, or click Add new to create a new contact/person/lead type on the fly.
  2. Enter a description if applicable.
  3. Add lead items if applicable.
  4. Choose a lead workflow.
  5. Add any relevant location details such as site address.
  6. Add notes if applicable.
  7. Add members if applicable.
  8. Complete any other questions that you may have created in Settings > Leads > Details.
  9. Click Create again.

Click into your lead at any time from the Leads tab and click Update to change any of these details.

Tip: The best time to add lead items is when you're meeting your customer, especially onsite or in your showroom. Add relevant details to your lead in Jobman as they are discussed during the meeting.

Read More: How to Manage and Edit a Lead

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