How to Create and Sync Invoices

Once you have connected Jobman to your accounting software, you can create invoices from quotes, jobs, and projects, and sync them to your accounting software.

  • Submit an invoice from Jobman to your accounting software, and you can then email the invoice to your customer or schedule a payment to your supplier.
  • When a payment is made or received, your accounting software will update the invoice status in Jobman.

In this article:

Creating an Invoice

Adding Invoice Items and Editing Invoices

Syncing & Sending Invoices

Invoice Statuses

Creating an Invoice

To create a new invoice, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Invoices and click Create:

    Note: You can also create invoices from leads, quotes, or jobs.

  2. Choose your contact (client or supplier) from the drop-down menu or start to type the contact name. If they have not been added yet, click Add a New Contact to create.
  3. Choose the invoice type (e.g. deposit invoice, full invoice, bill) from the drop-down.
  4. Enter a reference (e.g. PO number - optional)
  5. Click Create.

You will be redirected to the newly created invoice, where you will see the following:

  • Invoice number, status, and type
  • Reference, date of issue, due date, and your chosen invoice template
  • Add New button (see below)
  • Invoice preview

You can change the status by clicking the orange button ("Draft" in the example below), or you can change the type by clicking the grey button ("Bills" in the example below).

Please note: Jobman will automatically assign an invoice number to newly created invoices (i.e: JMINV-0061). This invoice number will be replaced with the number in your accounting software once you have synced the invoice from Jobman.

Please note: Only invoices in draft status can be edited. 

Adding Invoice Items and Editing Invoices

Use the Add New button to add a Line Item, Invoice Subtraction, or Quote to your invoice:

When adding a line item, a pop-up will appear for you to add the following:

  • Name of the product or service
  • Invoice Item Type (only applicable if you have synced Jobman with QuickBooks Online)
  • Account
  • Tax Type

When you have entered all the information, click Create.

When adding an invoice subtraction, you will be shown a list of previous invoices sent to this contact:

Select an invoice to subtract. The amount from the selected invoice will be subtracted from the total of your current invoice.

When adding a quote, you will be shown a list of quotes accepted by this contact. (Note: only quotes in the accepted status can be invoiced.)

Select a quote, and its value will be added to the invoice.

Once you have added your items to the invoice, you can click into any of the item fields (e.g. Quantity, Unit Price, Discount, etc) to edit them.

Finally, Preview and/or Save Changes to your invoice.

Once you Save Changes, your invoice will be saved in Draft status.

As long as your invoice remains in Draft status, you can edit it any time by clicking into the invoice and clicking Update at the top.

Syncing & Sending Invoices

If your invoice is in Draft status, you will see the option to Submit the invoice, alongside the Update and PDF options:

Click Submit to sync the invoice to your accounting software.

Please Note: Invoices in your accounting software prior to integrating with Jobman will not appear in your Jobman software after connecting.

Similarly, invoices created in Jobman will not appear in your accounting software until you submit them.

Once submitted, Jobman will attempt to create the invoice in your accounting software, where you will be able to approve and send to the contact.

When the invoice has successfully been submitted, Jobman will reflect any subsequent changes made to the invoice in your accounting software, including any payments recorded.

Draft Invoice - here you can update the invoice, submit for approval or print to PDF.
Approved Invoice that's Awaiting Payment - as the statuses change on invoices so do the options. Now you have the availability to email the quote.

Sending Invoices via Jobman:

In order to be able to send invoices from Jobman, the invoice must be in a status that can be sent, and the user must have the permission Can send invoices enabled for their role.

Read More:

Invoice Types and Statuses

Staff Roles and Permissions

Invoice Statuses

Each invoice status will allow you to perform different actions.

For example, if an invoice is in the Awaiting Approval status, you will see an Approve button at the top of the invoice.

Read More:

Invoice Types and Statuses

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