Create and Sync Invoices

If you have integrated your accounting software with Jobman you can create invoices from Quotes, Jobs and Project which will sync with your accounting software.

Once a synced invoice from Jobman has come into your accounting software, you can then send this to the customer or schedule the supplier bill for future payment.

Once payments are made or received, your accounting software will update this payment record and continue to update the invoice status as 'Paid' in your Jobman.  

Creating a New Invoice

Access your Invoices tab from the user menu panel. To create an invoice, click the 'Create' button at the top of the invoices page.

  1. Choose your contact (client or supplier) from the dropdown menu or start to type the contact name. If they have been added yet, click Add a New Contact to create.
  2. Choose the type from the dropdown - invoice/credit/bill.
  3. Enter your reference if you have one - PO number etc.

Click 'Create'. You will now be redirected to edit the invoice, where you will see:

  1. Invoice Number, Status and Type.
  2. Reference, Date Created, Due Date and your Invoice Template.
  3. Add New Items.
  4. Invoice Preview.

You can change the Status or Type of the invoice by click on the button that says 'Draft' or 'Bills'.

Please note: Jobman will automatically assign an invoice number to newly created invoices (ie: JMINV-0061). This invoice number will be replaced with the one in your accounting software when synced with Jobman.

Please note: only invoices with the draft status can be edited. 

Adding Invoice Items

To add items to your invoice, click the 'Add New' button as shown below.

Choose either 'Line Item' to add a product or service or 'Invoice Subtraction' to allocate a credit.

To add a Line Item, in the pop up, enter the name of the product or service, choose the relevant account and tax type and click create.

To update the quantity, pricing or to add a discount %, double click on the relevant field and update.

Once you've added your items, you can preview the invoice and save changes.

This will save your invoice as a Draft.

Syncing & Sending Invoices

To update the invoice status and sync it with your accounting software, click on the status shown at the top of the page next to the invoice number. Eg; 'Draft'.

Update the status of the invoice to 'Submitted' and click the Save Changes button to have the invoice sync through to your accounting software and be sent out to your contact.

Draft Invoice - here you can update the invoice, submit for approval or print to PDF.
Approved Invoice that's Awaiting Payment - as the statuses change on invoices so do the options. Now you have the availability to email the quote.

Sending Invoices via Jobman:

In order to be able to send out invoices in Jobman, the invoice must be in a status that has 'Can be Sent' ticked on under Invoice Status and the user must have the 'Can Send Invoices' checkbox ticked under their Staff Role settings.

Updating Invoices

After accessing the invoice page, you can use various functionalities for that invoice. Including updating, emailing, creating a PDF and delete.

To update the invoice, click on the update button at the top of the page, from here you can change or update existing items by clicking on them & making the required adjustment. You can add new items using the button 'Add a New Item'.

Once you've completed your update, click 'Save Changes' to update the invoice.

Remember: you can only edit invoices in certain statuses.

Invoice Status

Each status will provide you with different functions. Learn more about these here: Invoice Types & Statuses.

For example, if you change the status to 'Awaiting Approval', this will now have an 'Approve' button inside the invoice. Once approved, this will move to the next step.

Need Further Assistance?

Watch our video on Invoices below: please note we are constantly updating and improving so some things may have changed!

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