How to Print Labels from the Kiosk

Print labels from your Jobman Kiosk to attach relevant job information to purchase orders received, and ensure visibility of the materials in your factories, warehouses, etc., at all times!

Note: You will need to ensure that your Kiosk users' devices are connected to your label printer. The process for setting this up will vary depending on your specific device(s), operating system(s), and label printer. You may need to consult the user help documentation for your specific device(s).

In this article:

Creating and Editing Label Templates (Office Users)

Creating and Printing a Label (Kiosk Users)

Creating and Editing Label Templates (Office Users)

You can create and edit label templates to customise which information is contained in your labels, and how it is formatted.

To do this, go to Settings > Templates > Job Label.

You can then click Create to create a new label template, or click into an existing template and click Update to edit it.

Read More: How to Create & Edit Templates

FAQ: Templates and PDFs

Creating and Printing a Label (Kiosk Users)

To print a label from a job, users must be a job member, and have the permissions enabled for View jobs (both under Jobs and Kiosk) and View other staff members' jobs.

To create and print a label, follow these steps:

  1. From the Kiosk, navigate to Jobs. (Note: Office Users can access the Kiosk from the User Menu Panel on the lefthand side of their screen.)

  2. Select the job you want, and click Label.

  3. Select the quantity of labels to print, then click Create.

  4. Select your label printer from the print settings menu, then click Print.

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