How to Create a Job

In this article:

Creating a Job from a Lead with an Accepted Quote

Creating a Job from the Jobs Tab

Creating a Job from a Lead with an Accepted Quote

Once a lead has accepted a quote, it will update to the Job Awarded status (see below), which is the required status for a lead to be able to generate a job.

To create a job from your lead, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Leads.
  2. Click into the lead that you want to create a job from.
  3. Click New > Job (see below), and a pop-up will appear:

  4. Fill in the details; some of these will pre-populate if they have been added to the lead.
  5. Select the quote from the drop-down.
  6. Choose your workflow.
  7. Under Resources, you can select Copy lead items to Job and/or Copy lead files to Job if desired. This will copy the lead items and specifications and/or any cloud storage files or folders to the new job, where you can access them from Job > Resources.
  8. Under Members you can choose to add job member types if desired.
  9. Click Create.
Step 2 & 3

Migration Clients: Jobs do not automatically generate from leads currently.

Creating a Job from the Jobs Tab

To create a job without a lead or accepted quote, follow these steps:

  1. From the User Menu Panel, navigate to Jobs.
  2. Click Create, and a pop-up will appear:

  3. Select an existing contact, or create a new contact.
  4. Select your job type/s.
  5. Write a description (optional).
  6. Select your job workflow.
  7. Add location details if required.
  8. Complete the remaining fields.
  9. Click Create again.
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