Hafele - Supplier Integration
Easily integrate with Hafele by connecting them to your Jobman organisation for faster and more accurate purchase ordering.
Please note: Supplier Integrations are an optional extra and must be added to your subscription before proceeding.
How to connect to Hafele
Reach out to your Hafele sales representative to request your API credentials for connection to Jobman. This process may take a few days.
Please note: Only Hafele sales representatives are aware of the process to follow. We do not recommend contacting Hafele directly, as they may not be familiar with what you're requesting.
These credentials are not the same as your normal Hafele site login. You must request specific API credentials from your Hafele sales representative.
- From the User Menu Panel in Jobman, go to Settings > Supplier Integrations > Hafele.
- Click Update and choose one of your contacts to represent Hafele in your Jobman organisation. This links any purchase orders or catalogue materials and services to this specific integration.
Add the authentication details including username and password that were provided to you by Hafele in Step 1.
Note - Australian Customers: The Sales Organisation Code for Australia is AA01.
New Zealand Customers: The Sales Organisation Code for New Zealand is NZ01.
- Click Save Changes.
- Click Connect.
- Once connected, you should see that your Purchase Order CSVs for the contact that you specified are formatted to suit Hafele. And you should also now be able to send a purchase order directly to them.
Feature Explained: Send a Purchase Order Direct
Simply click Send to generate an order directly within the supplier's system. No need for emailing back and forth, or waiting to receive an order number. Receive instant feedback on pricing, availability, and estimated delivery times.
If there are any issues with your order, an alert will be generated so that you can resolve the issue immediately.
If you wish to sync your previously purchased catalogue materials from Hafele, directly and easily, please see Supplier Integrations - How to Sync Catalogue Materials.