How to Setup Staff Pay Rates - Payroll

If you've connected to your accounting software, you can now set up all of your staff members pay rates and awards so their timesheets sync across to your accounting software. Access this by going to your 'Settings' from the user menu panel, then click into 'Staff'.

Understanding Payroll Setup

Access the Staff Settings as above and click into 'Pay Rates' - shown below you will see tabs for Awards, Items and Types. Ensure these are set up correctly prior to creating your pay rates.

Types: these are the types of pay you have. For example: Hourly Wage or Salary. Items: this is where you can set up your overtime values & multipliers.
Awards: an award is attached to the pay rate. This is where you will set your parameters. Pay Rates: is made up of a type and an award. This is what is assigned to your staff member.




Create or Edit a Pay Rate

  1. Access your Pay Rate settings as listed above.
  2. To create a new Pay Rate click 'Create'.
  3. Name your Pay Rate, for example: Administrator, Factory Worker Level 1, Factory Worker Level 2.
  4. Enter the code that matches to your accounting software pay rates.
  5. Choose your 'Type' from the dropdown. You will have already created these as above.
  6. Choose the relevant 'Award' from the dropdown. You will have already created these as above.
  7. Finalise by clicking 'Create'.

The new pay rate will now appear in your list, assign these to a staff member by opening their staff profile, clicking update and choosing the new pay rate from the dropdown. Ensure to save changes.

To learn more about this topic, please watch the tutorial on this subject below:

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