Creating and Editing Locations

Many businesses have multiple locations (e.g. manufacturing facilities, factories, warehouses, etc.)

By setting up locations in Jobman, you can create different delivery addresses for purchase orders, and separate your inventory according to location.


Factory 1 is located at 11 West St, and Factory 2 is located at 23 North St.

Factory 1 has 125 sheets of while melamine in stock, while Factory 2 has 50.

Please note: The number of locations you can have is based on your subscription package. See Manage my Subscription to learn how to update this.

How to Add a Location

  1. Go to Settings > Location.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter your location name. For example: Warehouse 1 or Warehouse 2.
  4. Enter the location address.
  5. Click Create again.

Edit, Delete, or Set Location as Default

To update the name or address of an existing location:

  1. Go to Settings > Location.
  2. Select the location you want and click Update.
  3. Enter the new details and Save Changes.

You can also Set as default to make your chosen location the default delivery address for purchase orders:

If you no longer use a location, you can Delete it using the button shown above.

Need more help? Watch this video tutorial:

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