Managing or Editing your Jobs

Now that you set up some workflows, and created jobs, it's time to learn more to manage your jobs. You can take advantage of this feature and manage the entire workflow, update or add more tasks, view and upload files, assign the required materials, and much more from a single dashboard. To manage or edit a job, click in the Jobs tab from your user menu and click into a job.

Tip: use the search bar or the side bar filters to refine your job search!

Managing Jobs 

Let's have a look at the overview of a job and how you can manage it. Click into the job you're wanting to manage and you will be taken to the Job Dashboard.

Job Dashboard

Here we can see the Job Number, Status, Type/s, Contact Name & Location. Update the Job Status at anytime by simply clicking it and changing to the new status.

Add Members, Additional Contacts or Delete the Job by using the 3-dot Menu Options.

By clicking the + New button you can create a new item or work order. Click update to change any of the Job details.

Information: click 'update' to change the Job Number if you have chosen not to use the system generated numbers.

Moving down under the Dashboard tab you will be able to see Job Progress/Tasks, Pending Tasks and any Activity, making it easy to see who has worked on or updated the job. Next to Activity there is a 'Notes' field for you to add any important information or updates for the job.

Dashboard Tab

Job Information 

The 'Info' tab will give you a complete overview of the job contacts, members, workflow, & details that have been set up. This can be edited by using the 'Update' button at any time.

Info Tab


Assigning a Member to a Job

Job Details

Job Tasks

The 'Tasks' tab will show you all the task required for the workflow that has been assigned. In addition to this, you can also click on each individual task and view it further. If you want to add a new task, simply click + Add new task & enter the details.

Tasks Tab

Click on the existing task to update or manage it - pictured below. From here you can:

  1. Set Progress
  2. Browse Files
  3. Update the Task Name, Allocated Staff Qty & Time
  4. Set Start & Target Dates
  5. Set Labour Centre
  6. Assign Members
  7. or Delete the Task if not required.
View when you click into a task.

Job Resources

The 'Resources' tab will allow you to view all files, invoices, items, labour, materials, purchase orders, services and work orders relating to the job.  

Alerts - click here to view linked job alerts.

Files - click into files to view, upload or remove files relating to your job.

Invoices - Keep track of any invoices created for your job.

Items - also known as specifications - view or create specs relating to your job.

Labour - view, amend or allocate hours to staff members for tasks.

Materials - view (brought in from quote) or add material items required for your job, add stock from your inventory or generate a purchase order from your catalogue items. View and generate your picklist.

Purchase Orders - view purchase orders relating to this job. Note, PO must be approved or submitted before showing here.

Quotes - view the quote/s and variations just for this job.

Services - view and create services required for this job, these can be external services like furniture removal etc. Create this on the spot or choose from services listed in your catalogue.

Work Orders - view or create a work order for this job, this may be required if your job has multiple components required at different stages.

Job Emails

The 'Emails' tab will allow you to send and receive emails relating to your job. These can be internal emails between staff, to installers/external services or emails directly to your client.

Tip: Keep track of all of your emails in one spot, even when staff leave you'll still be able to access all of the emails for your jobs!

Need further assistance?

Try watching our help video below, please note we are constantly improving and releasing new features so some things may have changed!

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