Lead Settings - Lead Types, Statuses, Details, and Members

Use lead settings to customise your Jobman software to suit your business.

Access these options by navigating to Settings > Leads.

In this article:

Lead Types

Lead Statuses

Lead Details (external article)

Lead Members and Member Types (external article)

Lead Types

Differentiate between different lead types (for example: residential or commercial). This may be specific to your business, so you can define and allocate these as you wish. Lead types are a filterable attribute, so you can search for all leads of a specific type, or create a report for leads of a specific type, etc.

Creating or Updating a Lead Type

  1. Go to Settings > Leads > Types and click Create.
  2. Name your lead type.
  3. Click Create again.

You can click into an existing lead type at any time to Update (rename) or Delete it.

Lead Statuses

You can use lead statuses to define the current state of progress that a lead has reached. As with types, lead statuses are a filterable feature, so you can search for and report on leads by status.

Automation: A lead will automatically move to the next status once all tasks in a step of the workflow are completed. Read More

Creating or Updating a Lead Status

  1. Go to Settings > Leads > Statuses and click Create.
  2. Name your lead status.
  3. If this status marks the end of a lead, select the checkbox for Leads with this status are finished.
  4. If this status marks a lead that can be turned into a job (e.g. "Quote Accepted"), select the checkbox for Leads with this status can be turned into jobs.

    If you have enabled Leads with this status are finished, this lets the software know that there are no further tasks to be completed for this lead. For example, you would enable this for a status like "Job Refused".

    If you have enabled Leads with this status can be turned into jobs, this allows you to create one or more jobs from a lead in this status. For example, you would enable this for a status like "Quote Accepted".

  5. Click Create again.

You can click into an existing lead status at any time to Update (rename or select/deselect Finished), Delete, or Set as Default.

If you set a lead status as default, any newly created leads will automatically hold this status. We recommend something like "Pre-Sale".

You can only have one default status.

You can have more than one finished status.

Lead Details (external article)

Use lead details to add required or optional questions as part of your lead creation process, to ensure that your sales staff are collecting all the necessary information about your leads.

Read More: Lead Settings: Details

Lead Members and Member Types (external article)

Lead members can be added to leads to allocate specific staff to be responsible for the lead and complete the tasks in the lead workflow.

Read More: Members and Member Types: Leads, Jobs, and Projects

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