Lead Settings - Lead Types and Statuses

The ability to create leads and labelling them as a different type, allows an organisation to streamline the workflow required, while providing a more accurate forecast of when the lead is expected to be won/lost. Using lead types provides users with greater filtering of their leads.

To access Lead Types and Lead Statuses, click on 'Settings' from your user menu, then click 'Leads'.

Create a Lead Type

Once you've gone to your Lead Settings, click on 'Types'.

  1. To add a new lead type, click 'Create'.
  2. Enter the name of your new lead type.
  3. Choose the corresponding Job Type that you want this to allocate to.
  4. Click 'Create'.

For example, you may provide cabinet making services for building companies and individual customer walk ins. You would have 'Builders' and 'Walk Ins' set up. This is handy for reporting.

To edit or delete a pre-existing lead type, simply click on the lead type you would like to amend and click either 'Update' or 'Delete'.

Create a Lead Status

The Jobman software allows you to set, define and update the statuses of a lead. Customise each status to allow certain functions to be completed.

Once you've gone to your Lead Settings, click on 'Statuses'.

  1. To add a new lead status, click 'Create'.
  2. Enter the name of your new lead status.
  3. Select the relevant checkboxes to match your status.
  4. Finalise by clicking 'Create'.

Edit a Lead Status: to edit a Lead Status, simply click into the status you want to change, click update, make the required changes & save.

Set a Default: set up a status that all your leads will default to once they are set up. We recommend something along the lines of 'Pre-Sales'. Set a default by clicking into the Lead Status and clicking the 'Set as Default' button.

Lead Status Checkboxes: you will see two options when creating or editing a lead status.

If you have 'Lead with this status are finished' ticked on a Lead Status this lets the software know the lead is finished & there will be no further tasks to complete. For example you would have this ticked for something like 'Job Lost'.

If you have 'Leads with this status can be turned into jobs' ticked, this allows you to move a lead into a job. It is recommended to add this on for anything moving like 'Quote Accepted'. However for a job that is in 'Estimating', you would not want this to be turned into a job without a quote being accepted so you would leave both checkboxes blank meaning this cannot be turned into a job until the Status is changed to 'Quote Accepted'.

Need more assistance? Check out our video below!

Please note, we are always improving and updating Jobman so all features may not show in the video.

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